Туризм, отдых   ->   Узбекистан

Touroperator in Central Asia «Central Asia Travel»

Touroperator in Central Asia «Central Asia Travel»

«Central Asia Travel» is a group of companies with main offices in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Osh (Kyrgyzstan), Moscow (Russia) and representatives in each republic of Central Asia.

Field of our activity consists in organization of different programs with any difficulty and theme. We organize trips in any region: from high mountains till ancient cities with efficiency in equal measure and that’s why we are ready to realize even the most difficult and extraordinary trips!

Advantages of work with us consists in opportunity to order the whole tour including visiting of some different republic s addressing to one “Central Asia Travel” tour operator, instead of long searching of local operators in each country separately.

Guarantee of our success and proud is our professional solid team, which was combined during long time from like-minded persons, each member of this team is unique and significant figure.

We are proud with working together and could absolutely guarantee high level of given services for our guests.

Контакт: Виктор Артамохин
Размещено: 18.04.2012
email: написать письмо автору объявления
Сайт: http://www.centralasia-travel.com